One afternoon, Socrates was standing outside the gates of Athens when he noticed a traveller who had been staring at him for a long time.
Socrates asked the man why he had come to Athens.

“I am thinking of moving to Athens”, the man said.
“What is it like to live here?” He added.

Socrates looked at him.
“First, would you tell me what it
was like in your home city?”
The man replied: “Oh, it was
awful. Everyone stabs you in the
back and wants to steal money
from you”

Frowning, Socrates told him:
“Well, you will find the same thing here. I suggest you go
somewhere else”

Socrates was standing there a few hours more when another man approached him. This man too had just arrived in Athens and was considering moving to the city. He also asked Socrates, “Can you tell me what it is like to live here?”
Socrates asked, “First, would you tell me what it was like to live there where you come from?”

“Where I come from, all the people work together and help each other”, said the man,
“Kindness is everywhere and you are never treated with anything but complete respect.” He added.

“Well”, replied Socrates, “You will find the same thing here. Welcome to Athens”.

As we can see Socrates had two different answers, even when he was talking about the same city The question is why? Comment on the points you consider important and share it.


  1. This story made me think a lot! I think it speaks of the different perspectives of the humans .. In any country of the world you can find good aspects and bad aspects, the important thing is to focus on the positive aspects and instead of focusing on the negative ones we must do good actions to change what damages our country :)

    1. That's true, many people say that our nation is the worst, our tv programmes the same (well, this is true), and something I don't understand "A Peruvian is another Peruvian's enemy", They blame the president and congressmen, it is, without a doubt, partially true but what do we do to change it? We must do something and stop criticising that much.

  2. Well, I understood that many people don't like where they come from, usually they said awful coments about their country or city, but perhaps they don't know how they will feel when they will move to another country. In fact, when we have been in other country for many reason like work, we miss our dishes or song and we are able to understand that our family, cities and friends are very important in our lives, but always there are many issuses because nothing is perfect. We shoud try to change our mind, after that we can demand to gobernment to change...

    1. Interesting point of view Americo, that is why many Peruvians are not happy to be part of our country, which in fact is something so embarrasing, but when they see foreigners, Gosh they imagines they are gods and goddesses. What a poor mind!

  3. All people think that world is destroying it, but don't thinking as help to exchange our country or city. we like speak bad, but we don't do nothing for change it. the change start in oneself. change you and wil change world.
    I am Jaime Marreros

    1. Nice, we have to change ourselves, turn into someone new who cares about other people, animal and our planet instead of competing to see who is better.

  4. Alejandra Catari Navarro29 October 2018 at 20:17

    I think that people are always reframed as in a mirror, where they can see their characteristics, attitudes, behaviors both positive and negative. So where are you going to find what they think thanks to the law of attraction. Socrates uses the mind in an appropriate way unlike traveling tourists controlled by the mental mirror. The first one where you will find bad people and the second one will find positive people.

    1. Thanks for your comment Alejandra, it's true it is very often said that we are like mirrors and reflect what we are. In the bible, there is a part that goes like this "O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh" Matthew 12:34

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. In my view, in the world there are two types of people, bad and good. Also, different attitudes, positive and negative. So there is no place in the world that allows us to escape from our problems. No exist paradise in the Earth. All people should help and improve. For example, much persons in Peru thinking about Venezuela people are bad. However, it is false, there are good and bad people. We should live without hate another person.

    1. Right Piter, we shouldn't hate Venezuelans, they're going through difficult times and we have to help them if we can do it, however we ought not to forget many Peruvians are suffering in different parts in our country cus we are very good at helping people from different countries but if it is about Peruvians, we don't care. Unfortunately it is real.


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