An old man sits with his grown up son on a bench outside their house. The day is sunny and clear. The son is reading a newspaper, and ignoring his father. The father looks emptily into the bright garden before him.

Then, a sparrow flies into a nearby bush. "What's that?" asks the old man instinctively.

"A sparrow" replies the young man nonchalantly, without looking up.

The old man justs sits quietly. Then, the sparrow flies up into the tree under which they are sitting. The old man looks up, and asks the son again, "What's that?"

“A sparrow!” the young man says a little louder, looking a bit annoyed now.
The old man continues to sit quietly as before. Then, the sparrow flies onto the green grass before them, happily pecking at seeds and bugs on the ground.
“What’s that?” asks the father a third time.
This annoys the young man greatly. He puts down his papers, looks at his father really upset, and shouts: “It’s a sparrow, dad! S-p-a-r-r-o-w!”
His old father quietly gets up, and slowly walks back into the house. The young man looks at him, and then feels somewhat sorry for being so rude to his father.
After a few minutes, the father slowly returns with a small notebook. He sits down again beside his son. He opens the book, and passes it on to his son, pointing to a page.

“Read it to me, son, loudly,” he tells his son.

The son reads: “Today, my youngest son, who, a few days ago turned 3, was sitting with me at the park, when a sparrow sat in front of us. My son asked me 21 times what it was, and I answered every single time that it was a sparrow. I hugged him every single time he asked the same question again and again, without getting mad, feeling affection for my innocent little boy.”
Suddenly, his son remembers how kind and patient his
father had been. And just now, how his father asked him only
thrice, to remind him of that beautiful moment. He was not
paying attention, and ignored the gentle echoes of love.
He gently hugs his father and kisses him on the head for his kindness.


  1. I remember when I was studying my first career, I had to see this video as part of a homework.. It made me cry and ask myself why life has to be so short, but it also made me reflect a lot about the love we owe to our parents. They have been so patient with us when we were children. They've taught us so many things and guided our paths as we grew up. I believe that the love of parents towards their children is the most sincere love that can exist. Now that our parents grew older, it's up to us to be patient and give them the love and affection they deserve. : )

    1. Absolutely, even when most children don't take care of their parents, sometimes only one of them do it but in a negative way, I mean complaining about it, forgetting about who raised and nurtured them, some people say they don't care because their parent were bad to them, nevertheless who are we to judge them? we cannot judge anybody.

  2. Now parents take care of us, so we should take care of them when they get older. They become like children, that's why we need to be patient with them. We need to take advantage of every minute to tell them how much we love them, thinking that it could be the last opportunity we have to let them know about it.

    1. It is a well known fact that most parents give everything for their children, now why don't children do the same? It should be a mutual obligation but more than an obligation, something we must do with love and the same terderness they provided us.

  3. I consider that our parents always are worried for our learning and when we are children they spend the majority of their times with us because we had to learn and sometimes there was things that we didn't understand easily so they had to repeat many times without getting angry until we understand So when they get older we have to have the same patience and give them whatever they need because all the time they struggle to support our family
    For this reason they deserve our constant attention

    1. That's right Carla, they are always worried about us, not only about our learning but also about how we are or feel, they try to give us all of their time, even when, you know, nowadays we are living a time when we seem to be in a rush and time is rarely found to be shared to the ones we love, but a good example are our parents and also our grandparents. :)

  4. When we were little we always had a question about what we did or we always had questions about the things we saw and our parents always helped us, and now, when we are older, we should try to help our parents in everything they need. . Sometimes people think that if we are young we do not have patience or get bored quickly, and sometimes it is true, but we should always remember that our parents, despite being exhausted, always have time for us and when we have problems they try to help us all. . Even though we did not know anything, they will be there to help us and explain one or two or three times if necessary, so we should always stay there for our parents and try to spend more time even though they have not understood our activities or not. They understand us because they always stay with us in the bad and good times and help us in all the moments that are necessary

    claudio López I07

  5. Definitely, there are no instructions about how to be a good father or a good son, we learn it from our mistakes on life. After reading this article, I think it’s necessary to be grateful with our parents because they taught us with love and were patient with us when we were children and we should do the same for them.
    David Venegas B07


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