1 Kings 3:16-28 Contemporary English Version (CEV)
Solomon Makes a Difficult Decision
16 One day two women came to King Solomon, 17 and one of them said:
Your Majesty, this woman and I live in the same house. Not long ago my baby was born at home, 18 and three days later her baby was born. Nobody else was there with us.
19 One night while we were all asleep, she rolled over on her baby, and he died. 20 Then while I was still asleep, she got up and took my son out of my bed. She put him in her bed, then she put her dead baby next to me.
21 In the morning when I got up to feed my son, I saw that he was dead. But when I looked at him in the light, I knew he wasn’t my son.
22 “No!” the other woman shouted. “He was your son. My baby is alive!”
“The dead baby is yours,” the first woman yelled. “Mine is alive!”
They argued back and forth in front of Solomon, 23 until finally he said, “Both of you say this live baby is yours. 24 Someone bring me a sword.”
A sword was brought, and Solomon ordered, 25 “Cut the baby in half! That way each of you can have part of him.”
26 “Please don’t kill my son,” the baby’s mother screamed. “Your Majesty, I love him very much, but give him to her. Just don’t kill him.”
The other woman shouted, “Go ahead and cut him in half. Then neither of us will have the baby.”
27 Solomon said, “Don’t kill the baby.” Then he pointed to the first woman, “She is his real mother. Give the baby to her.”
28 Everyone in Israel was amazed when they heard how Solomon had made his decision. They realized that God had given him wisdom to judge fairly.

A shorter story is in this way:
One day, the wise King Solomon was approached by two women arguing over a baby. Each claimed the child was hers. Unable to judge, King Solomon thought up a plan - he offered to cut the baby in half, giving half to the one and half to the other.
The first women agreed with the King: "Let the baby be neither mine nor hers, but divide it. If I can't have the child", she cried, "she can't have it either".
The second women pleaded with Solomon not to hurt the child.
"Give her the baby. I'd rather lose the child that see it slain".
The second women pleaded with Solomon not to hurt the child.
"Give her the baby. I'd rather lose the child that see it slain".
Solomon knew immediately that this was the rightful mother. He returned the baby to her.
As we can see God gave Solomon enough wisdom to deal with this tough decision. The bible has lots of advice and it can help you anytime. Be wise, read it and don't let religion confuse you but love God and respect him. He loves you that is why he gave us his commandments.
This happened before:

As we can see God gave Solomon enough wisdom to deal with this tough decision. The bible has lots of advice and it can help you anytime. Be wise, read it and don't let religion confuse you but love God and respect him. He loves you that is why he gave us his commandments.
This happened before:
That night God appeared to Solomon and said to him, “Ask for whatever you want me to give you.”
8 Solomon answered God, “You have shown great kindness to David my father and have made me king in his place. 9 Now, Lord God, let your promise to my father David be confirmed, for you have made me king over a people who are as numerous as the dust of the earth. 10 Give me wisdom and knowledge, that I may lead this people, for who is able to govern this great people of yours?”
11 God said to Solomon, “Since this is your heart’s desire and you have not asked for wealth, possessions or honor, nor for the death of your enemies, and since you have not asked for a long life but for wisdom and knowledge to govern my people over whom I have made you king,12 therefore wisdom and knowledge will be given you. And I will also give you wealth, possessions and honor, such as no king who was before you ever had and none after you will have.” It is in
2 Chronicles in the Bible. Now I'd like you take some time to answer this question:

In the really life is so difficult make some decisions, specialy if that decisions involment another persons.
ReplyDeleteOne person one day told me something years ago, he said me, “in the life is easy be bad or good person, but is difficult be fair, because when you take a decisión fair, one of the two parts have feel insatisfaction.” And this advice is really interesting, because be fair it is not necesarlly is same to be good person. However, it is correct trate to be fair in the life, probably will be so diffcult and some one dont acording with us, but it is the best way to life.
Yesenia Navarrete
It is true, the bible is amazing book, there you can found a lot of advices abouth ours lifes. You can found some answers respect question to family life and this book have impresionants stories and the most better demostration of love whath the World have seen. Maybe, we could read a little this great book, it is possible we will learn and will do a better world.
Thanks for your comment Yesenia, however I have to say I partially agree with you because without a shadow of a doubt it is a well-known fact that making decisions sometimes it is tough, fairness must be attached to truth and it, in a way, has goodness. What I meant to say is that if you do something wrong or against the law, if I send you to prison it doesn't mean I am bad. It is what is right.
DeleteFinally about the bible it is not only an amazing book, but the most awesome book in the world. It is necessary to read it, but it is nothing if we do not do what it says there.
It's really impressing how God gives to Solomon the wisdom that he needed. I think this is a good example for us because we sometimes through dificult situations and we don't know what to do. In this cases, I'm totally sure that we have to pray to God and ask for help. He'll answer if we do it with all of our heart.
ReplyDeleteI can say I've take bad decitions when I didn't ask God. But now, he's my guide and I've decided to follow the path that he have for me.
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare[a] and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope".
Jeremiah 29:11 English Standard Version (ESV)
-Almendra Merino-
Lovely words Almond! :) “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life” (Galatians 6:7–8) Out actions define us, we get what we ask for. GBU
DeleteHumanity is currently marked by a deep selfishness. I only ask God to show us the way built by his son Jesus: love humanity, neighbor and help each other. May he help us to recover our humanity and build a world that he always dreamed for us. And with his infiny love help.
ReplyDeleteWe live in a world where there are good and bad people. It´s difficult make some decisions. because sometimes when you said the truth the other person feels desagree. But you take a decision fair . but so disagreements have aids to see people is the right thing and you help have a better world . If I could ask God anything serious that we could do with people who don´t understand ? I believe that we should move from that kind of people.
The text teaches us about God and how a mother is capable of doing anything for her son, but sometimes people do bad or selfish things because we want something or we need it. God leaves us a teaching about fairness and the wisdom of solomon. In this case I would ask for wisdom since it is the only thing I need to do things right.